
Actions of Area Panel Meeting October 2021




Emma McDermott to send EBD paper to Rosemary

Emma McDermott

Was sent by post

EDB included as agenda item next meeting

Keely McDonald

Complete, the EDB is under agenda item 3.

Tenants not received responses from EDB

Keely McDonald

West representatives have now received the responses to the questions raised about the EDB Audit process.

Send Rosemary EDB report

Keely McDonald

Was sent by post

Provide update from T&F group meeting on 21st October

Keely McDonald

Keely will provide a verbal update at the West Area Panel meeting

Contact City parks - removal hard surface weeds - find contractors for hard surfaces

Justine Harris

Following consultation with CityParks Housing have started to used contractors for hard surfaces in some areas and will continue with this approach when needed.

Officers provide alternative to cyclical repairs

Ododo Dafe


Look into concerns by Muriel regarding how she was dealt with RE vaping

Justine Harris / Robert Keelan


Meet with resident inspectors

Justine Harris

The Community Engagement team and Housing will be arranging a Resident Inspector meeting.

Hand over butt keys to Rosemary

Justine Harris

Verbal update

Send email regarding Muriel’s guttering repair

Ododo Dafe


Provide update solution watering plants on estates

Justine Harris / Robert Keelan

Verbal update